Carolina Girometta.
Carolina Girometta.

Sérfræðingur við háskólann í Pavia flytur fyrirlestur í Öskju

Carolina Girometta, sérfræðingur við svepparannsóknadeild jarð- og umhverfisvísindasviðs háskólans í Pavia á Ítalíu, flytur á þriðjudag fyrirlestur um niðurbrotssveppi í trjáviði og tengsl þeirra við plöntur.

Fyrirlesturinn er undir hatti ERASMUS+-áætlunarinnar og er haldinn á vegum Líf- og umhverfisvísindastofnunar Háskóla Íslands. Enskur titill hans er „Wood decay fungi and relationship with plants“.  Fyrirlesturinn fer fram þriðjudaginn 14. nóvember kl. 14.30 í stofu 131 í Öskju, náttúrufræðahúsi HÍ. Allir eru velkomnir.

Hér er útdráttur úr fyrirlestrinum á ensku:

Wood decay fungi have a fundamental ecological role since they are the only organisms able to completely degrade all the components of lignocellulosic matrix, thus contributing to close the carbon cycle. Wood decay occurs as necrotrophic parasitism or saprotrophism, a single species being often involved in both strategies. Fungal taxa to be referred as wood-decay agents are mostly members Basidiomycota, where we also find the most complex and specialized forms of enzymatic degradation besides non-enzymatic mechanisms. The lecture will include brief description of these fungi, the comparative analysis of fungal genomes, the selectively strategies that revolutionized the concepts about the evolution of wood decay. Environmental conditions, including host condition, are major factors in determining whether and which decay may occur, as well as in affecting the steps of the fungal life cycle from infection to reproduction and spreading. A consistent theory relying on a multi-focused approach enables us for a better comprehension of plant pathology and wood degradation.