Föstudaginn 13. september nk. verður haldin ráðstefna um skóga og skógarminjar „Nordic Forest History Conference” á Grand Hótel í Reykjavík. Ráðstefnan hefst kl. 9:00 og stendur til kl. 18:00.

Í hádegishléi býðst ráðstefnugestum að kaupa hádegisverð á hótelinu. Aðalefni ráðstefnunnar er innflutningur og notkun erlendra trjátegunda til skógræktar með tilliti til sögu, hagfræði og umhverfis (use of exotic tree species in afforestation; with emphasis on historical, economic and ecological aspects). Fluttir verða 9 fyrirlestrar af fyrirlesurum frá Noregi, Svíþjóð, Finnlandi, Danmörku, Færeyjum, Írlandi, Skotlandi, Íslandi og Kanada.

Áhugafólk um efnið er velkomið á ráðstefnuna án endurgjalds svo lengi sem húsrúm leyfir. Ráðstefnan fer fram á ensku.


09:00-11:00 Seminar at the Grand Hotel: Use of exotic tree species in afforestation, with emphasis on historical, economic and ecological aspects.
Faroe Islands: Trondur Leivsson, Chief Conservator, Dept of Woodlands, Landscaping and Recreation.
“Exotic tree and shrub species and their use for woodland, garden and amenity purposes in the Faroe Islands since the 1880's.”
Iceland: Dr. Þröstur Eysteinsson, Division Chief, National Forest, Iceland.
“There can be no forestry in Iceland without exotic trees.”
Canada: Dr. Gilbert Paillé, Quebec.
”History of Forestry in Canada”
Coffee break
Visit to The National Museum,which celebrates it's 150th birthday in 2013.
Lunch at the Grand Hotel.
14:30-18:15 Seminar continues
Denmark: Peter Friis Møller, forstkandidat, Danmark
“Opportunities and problems with introduced tree species in the Danish forests – in a historical perspective.”
Ireland: Henry Philips, managing director of Forest Solutions.
"Sitka Spruce and Ireland's Afforestation Programme."
Sweden: Erik Valinger Professor , Umeo, Sverige. 
“The introduction of Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) in Sweden.”
Coffee break
Scotland: Mairi Stewart, Reaserch Fellow, The Center for History, Dornoch.
"Sitka Spruce and Scottish Forestry: Historical and Ecological Perspectives."
Finland: D.Sc. (For.) Seppo Ruotsalainen, Researcher, Finnish Forest Research Institute.
“History of exotic tree species in Finland.”
Norway: Bernt Håvard Øyen, Direktör ”stiftelsen Bryggen” Bergen. 
“Use of exotic tree species in afforestation in Norway.”
18:00 Summing up.

Mynd: Esther Ösp Gunnarsdóttir