Fyrsta norræna fosfórráðstefnan

Fosfór er ómissandi næringarefni sem við getum ekki án verið. Fosfórnámur heimsins eru að tæmast og mikið fer til spillis af efninu í virðiskeðjunni. Bætt nýting fosfórs er einn undirstöðuþátturinn í hringrásarhagkerfinu og um þessi efni verður rætt á fyrstu norrænu fosfórráðstefnunni sem fram fer í Malmö í Svíþjóð í lok október.

Með réttri nýtingu og meðhöndlun fosfórs má endurvinna efnið og endurnýta. Þar með yrði mannkynið ekki lengur háð því að grafa fosfór upp úr námum sem nú eru óðum að tæmast í heiminum. En hvernig komum við á hringrás þar sem fosfór nýtist aftur og aftur?

Á fyrstu norrænu fosfórráðstefnan verður vettvangur til að The first Nordic Phosphorus Conference will be a meeting place for the exchange of knowledge, experiences, best-practices and political attention locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Together we can help put phosphorus utilization in a circular perspective, which is a high priority on the international and European policy agendas.

Experts and practitioners will present best practice models from the Nordic countries and Europe, frame the challenges of phosphorus recovery and recycling, quality standards and developing secondary markets. The Nordic Council of Ministers, the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP) and the EU Commission will present policies and perspectives as well as national strategies and initiatives from the Nordic countries.

You can expect inspiring case studies, new technologies and skills for improved phosphorus recycling - anaerobic digestion in Norway, struvite technology from Sweden, bio-refinery techniques in waste water treatment from Denmark, as well as a critical eye on the risk and needed quality when recycling secondary phosphorus, in sewage biosolids, wastes and animal manures.

Confirmed companies are Ekobalans, HIAS, Biogass Oslofjord, Lindum, Billund Biorefinery together with EPAS's of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Confirmed Key Note speakers are Arno Rosemarin from Stockholm Environment Institute, Arnoud Passenier from European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform, Helen Ann Hamilton from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Anders Nättorp from the University of applied science and arts in Switzerland and Margrethe Askegaard from SEGES in Denmark.

In the evening you can enjoy and benefit from extended networking with conference participants at the evening dinner, which is included in the conference package.

The Nordic Phosphorus Conference is organized by Swedish Waste Management, Norwegian Waste Management and Recycling Association, and DAKOFA – Waste and Resource Network Denmark in cooperation with Marcus Frenzel and Anders Finnson from Svenskt Vatten, Arne Harr from Norsk Vann, Helle Kayerød from DANVA and Saijariina Toivikko from FIWA. The Conference is supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Workshop on organic contaminants and pharmaceuticals in recycled nutrient products

Prior to the Phosphorus conference Thursday 27th October, 8h00 – 12h00 (in the same venue) ESPP is hosting a European workshop on pharmaceuticals and organic chemicals in sewage biosolids, before and after treatments, and implications for crops and the environment. The objective is to assess the current level of information on this question and to identify areas where further research is needed to enable sustainable and acceptable biosolids recycling in the future. The workshop will cover fate of pharmaceuticals during treatments such as composting or anaerobic digestion, and risks to soil, farmers, crops and health, including social perception issues. Please write in the note box under the registration formular if you want to participate and/or contact info@phosphorusplatform.eu if interested. Workshop is free for Conference participants but registration is obligatory, and costs 75 Euros or 40 Euros (students, NGOs) for non-Conference participants.