Place: Hótel Örk, Hveragerði, South Iceland
Time: 17-18 September 2019
A prelminary issue of an online Conference Paper is now available for download. For environmental reasons, a printed version will not be distributed. Please observe that abstracts are missing from some of the speakers. A more complete and updated version of the Conference Paper will be issued afterwards.
Main issues addressed at the conference will be:
An excursion is held on the 18 September; including visits to geothermal heat forests in Reykir, breeding for resistance in Black cottonwood, use of biological control in greenhouse farming at Fridheimar and presentation of the Land reclamation project in Iceland. The excursion will be held close to the volcano Hekla.
On the 19 September an SNS Matchmaking Day has been organised in Reykjavik. Among participants are PhD students who have recieved travel grants to come to Iceland to benefit from the event.
For questions, please contact
that the major species used in forestry (Siberian larch, Sitka spruce, lodgepole pine and black cottonwood) have all reached at least 22 m in height and show mean annual increments ranging from 5 to 20 m3/ha/yr?